Today is the third day of our “Fancy Card Folding” week and it's my turn to make a post on Some Odd Girl Blog. I’m going to show you a step by step tutorial of one really different and a little bit crazy fold card. It’s called “ Never Ending card”. Actually it’ll take more time than a common one but it’s fun! Don’t be scary and give it a try
First time when I try this it was a great challenge for me too.
And here it ‘s my card. I used Furry Friend Mae, Boy’s Best Friend Tobie, Water Fun, Tree Branch digi stamps and sentiments from two clear sets – Puppy Love Mae and Sunny Mae.
This is the front side.
You can see how it looks on the other two sides too.
The dimensions of my card are 6x6 inch / or 15x15 cm/. For this card size you'll need 4 piece of color cardstock by you choice - 3x6 inch / or 7.5x15 cm/.If you prefer to make a smaller or bigger one you have to scale the dimensions proportionally. On the image below you can see how to fold your cardstock. Two like the first one and two like the second one.
Here are my four cardstock ready for work.
First put two parts closely side by side and use some double sided adhesive tape for the four corners like is shown on the picture.
After this stick together the other parts up to first two.
And at the end of all these our front side of the card is ready.
Then start folding it. First have to close the two vertical parts and then the back of card is going to look like an opened window.
That's the second side of our card.
Next step is to fold it in the center like is shown on the picture below.
And here you have the third side of your "Never Еnding card".
At the end you have to open the card from the center to the sides and turned it on the back .
That's the fourth side of the card. You could do this how long you like and that's why it's
called "Never Еnding card".
called "Never Еnding card".
I hope you enjoy Some Odd Girl "Fancy fold card" week and will give this card a try
For more ideas and inspiration visit the Some Odd Girl blog tomorrow and check out the fabulous tutorials that the rest of the DT girls make.
Skin: FS1, FS4, FS6, FS9, TN3, BG4
Boy's Hair: TN3, TN5, EB3, EB4, BG4
Girl's Hair:GB2, GB8, GB10,BG4
Jeans & Skirt: BT9,TB9, BG4
Swimwear & Shoes: CR8, CR11, DR6, DR7
T-shirt: BT9, TB5, TB9,BG1, BG2, BG4, Blender
Grass & Leaves: LG2, LG3, DG3, DG4, CG3, CG4,
Branch: TN3, TN5, EB3, EB4
Girl's Hair:GB2, GB8, GB10,BG4
Jeans & Skirt: BT9,TB9, BG4
Swimwear & Shoes: CR8, CR11, DR6, DR7
T-shirt: BT9, TB5, TB9,BG1, BG2, BG4, Blender
Grass & Leaves: LG2, LG3, DG3, DG4, CG3, CG4,
Branch: TN3, TN5, EB3, EB4
Много свежа и сладурска картичка Мила.Макар, че е безкрайна на мен май не ми стигна:)))-искам да гледам още и още.Никога няма да ми омръзне да се наслаждавам на красотите които твориш.Благодаря за изчерпателното уроче-със сигурност ще се възползвам от него.Гуш-гуш:))))
ОтговорИзтриванеУникална! И аз съм правила безкрайни картички, обаче твоята е като книжка с история - има си сюжет, главни герои, пейзаж, развръзка. Възхитително!!!
ОтговорИзтриванеУау, страхотно! Аз честно направо кръстосах поглед, доста сложно ми се струва за изработване, но нищо не пречи някой път да направя опит..Идеята е наистина уникална, а картичката ти ми напомня някаква анимация, много свежи цветове и жизненост, накара ме да се усмихна :)
ОтговорИзтриванеСтрахотна картичка и чудно уроче ,аз от този фб не мога да следя блоговете ...много изпускам напоследък !